The Different Kinds of AnxietyAnxiety is a multifaceted emotional response characterized by feelings of tension, worried thoughts, and physical changes such as increased blood pressure. Historically, our understanding of anxiety has evolved significantly. Early approaches to mental health often perceived anxiety through the lens of moral failing or character weakness. The advent of psychology in […]
The Appropriate Amount of Screen TimeThe influence of screen time on children is multifaceted. Excessive screen exposure can lead to a range of negative outcomes, including decreased physical activity, poor sleep quality, and impaired social skills. The pandemic highlighted these issues, as schools transitioned to online learning and many children experienced increased screen time. While […]
Are New Year's Resolutions Worth a Shot?New Year resolutions have long been a staple in our society, with millions of people across the globe committing to personal change as the calendar turns. Psychologically, the act of making resolutions can serve as a catalyst for change. The beginning of a new year symbolizes a threshold moment, […]
Why Do We Often Turn to Comfort Food?In times of stress, sadness, or uncertainty, many people turn to comfort food to seek solace and relief. The psychology behind this phenomenon is complex and multifaceted, including a wide range of emotional, biological, and social factors. Society has long been interested in the reasons behind our tendency […]
The Mental Health Benefits of Pet OwnershipAs far back as ancient civilizations like the Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans, animals were revered and often kept as pets. Dogs were used for hunting and protection, cats helped control pest populations, and other animals, such as birds, were kept for companionship. The bond between humans and animals has […]
Do You Live in an Echo Chamber?Recently, shockwaves were felt around the world as Donald Trump was elected President of the United States in a major political earthquake – for the second time. While many were taken by complete surprise, others could clearly see the writing o the wall. With the results now showing the […]
Fear of Public SpeakingPublic speaking is a skill that many individuals struggle with, as the prospect of standing in front of an audience and delivering a speech can be daunting. However, the ability to effectively communicate in front of others is a valuable asset in both personal and professional settings. Whether it be for work, […]
The Psychology of ConfidenceConfidence plays a crucial role in our personal and professional lives. It is a trait that can significantly impact our success in personal relationships, our professional lives, and our overall well-being. Many individuals struggle with confidence issues, which can hinder their ability to reach their full potential. Confidence and self-esteem have long […]
Signs of Post-Partum DepressionPost-partum depression is a condition that affects many women after giving birth. It is a type of mood disorder that can occur within the first few weeks or months after childbirth. While many new mothers experience a brief period of sadness or "baby blues", post-partum depression is a more severe and long-lasting […]
The Impact of Social Media on PreteensSocial media has become an integral part of the lives of preteens in today's society. With the rise of platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok, young kids are constantly exposed to a digital world that can have both positive and negative effects on their mental health. The […]
How to Tell if Someone is Feeling DepressedDepression is a common mental health disorder that affects around 450,000 people in Ireland at any one time. It can be difficult to identify when someone is feeling depressed, as individuals may try to hide their symptoms or may not even be aware that they are experiencing depression. […]
The Link Between Caffeine and AnxietyCaffeine is one of the most commonly consumed substances in the world, found in coffee, tea, chocolate, and energy drinks. Many of us rely on caffeine to help us stay awake and alert throughout the day, but what you may not realise is that consuming too much caffeine can actually […]
How to Talk About Couples CounsellingBringing up the idea of going to couples therapy with your partner can be a daunting task. It may feel uncomfortable to admit that your relationship needs help or that there are issues that need to be addressed. However, seeking therapy together can be a positive step towards improving communication, […]
Could AI Replace Therapists?Artificial intelligence (AI) has made significant advancements in recent years, and has quickly become part of our daily lives. AI has now been implemented in a variety of ways across a number of different fields, helping to improve things like search results, customer service, and efficiency in areas such as storage or […]
A morning routine can help you establish healthy habits that support your mental health, both on any given day, and in the long-run. For example, starting your day with exercise can boost your mood and energy levels, as well as improve your overall physical health.
How to Tell Your Child They're Going to TherapyAs a parent, the decision to send your child to therapy can be a difficult and emotional one. However, it is important to remember that seeking help from a therapist can have enormous benefits for your child's mental health and overallwell-being. When the time comes to talk […]
5 Signs in Considering Relationship CounsellingIf you have ever been in a relationship, it is pretty much guaranteed that you have experienced relationship issues. A certain level of conflict in a relationship is inevitable, and can even be healthy and beneficial. But not all conflicts are created equal. Some are simply a matter of opinion, […]
How Caffeine Affects our Mental HealthCoffee is one of the most popular drinks worldwide, and Ireland is no exception. Consumption of coffee in Ireland has risen 17% since 2012, with 45% of Irish people naming it as their favourite hot beverage, making it more popular than tea. In fact, 23% of people in Ireland drink […]
The Drawbacks of Eating Before BedEveryone understands the importance of healthy eating. What we eat, and how much we eat, has a major impact on our long-term health. A good diet can lead to lots of benefits in later life, such as strong bones, while a bad diet can result in conditions that otherwise may […]
The Mental Health Benefits of HikingHiking is a popular pastime often touted for the benefits it has on our physical health. But the health benefits of hiking extend beyond the physical, as the activity has been shown to have some pretty major impacts on both our short and long-term mental health. So from instant results, […]
Bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder are two conditions that are often conflated. While the science is still out on whether or not the two conditions are related, they do share many similarities, as well as key differences.
Given its generally private nature, therapy is something that people know about, but often know very little about. Between the various disciplines of therapy, as well as the different professionals who administer them, it can be difficult to get a clear picture of what the experience of going to therapy is really like. With that in mind, here are five of the most common misconceptions about therapy.
How to Deal with Panic Attacks.A panic attack is a sudden and intense feeling of anxiety that generally lasts between five minutes and half an hour. Symptoms of a panic attack include nausea, dizziness, disorientation, breathlessness, and sweating. Anyone can experience a panic attack, but if it occurs frequently, it may be a sign of […]
How to Deal with Health Anxiety. Health anxiety disorder, commonly referred to as hypochondria, is a specific type of anxiety disorder whereby a person will spend excessive amounts of time worrying about their health. In addition to the stress caused, health anxiety can impact the quality of a person’s life by causing them to avoid […]
Ruminations: Dealing with Unhelpful Thoughts. The American Psychological Association defines ruminations as “obsessional thinking involving excessive, repetitive thoughts or themes that interfere with other forms of mental activity”. It is most commonly associated with obsessive compulsive disorder or other forms of anxiety, with people dwelling on small or specific details in a negative light for extended periods of […]
Agoraphobia is often viewed as the opposite of claustrophobia, but the reality is a little different to public perception. John Hopkins defines a phobia as an “uncontrollable, irrational, and lasting fear of a certain object, situation, or activity”. While claustrophobia is an irrational fear of confined spaces, agoraphobia is not the fear of open spaces, but rather, the fear of being in a situation from which there is no escape.
The 333 Rule for Dealing with Anxiety? Anxiety is one of the most common mental health issues in the world, with about 4% of the global population suffering from the condition at any one time. Although everyone can feel anxious at times, anxiety is considered a disorder when it is both frequent and overwhelming. If […]
Anxiety is a feeling of worry, fear, or unease. There are several forms of anxiety, such as social, separation, or general. While everyone experiences anxiety, it can be considered a disorder when the fear is disproportionate to the issue at hand. There are several forms of anxiety, such as social, separation, or general.
Psychotherapy is the most common treatment for Narcissistic Personality Disorder. With proper counselling, a psychotherapist can help someone with Narcissistic Personality Disorder set realistic, achievable goals, accurately measure one’s abilities, achievements, and shortcomings, and avoid further self-destructive behaviour.
While the exact purpose or reason for sleep is still a mystery to science, what we do know is how much sleep can affect both our mental and physical health. We have all had the experience of trudging through a day after a poor night’s sleep, an effect that is compounded each time we do not sleep well. A single night of good rest can be enough to make us feel better in the short-term, but if you really want to look after both your physical and mental health, a good sleeping pattern is essential.