Oct 19

Tony Griffin

Tony (aged 54) holds a First Class Honours Bachelor of Science Degree from Middlesex University, London and PCI College, Dublin. He is a pre-accredited member of the IACP (Irish Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy) and abides by their Code of Ethics. His expertise lies in helping clients achieve clarity and assisting them to reflect on areas of their lives that may be causing difficulty; along with exploring options which may help to bring about change, if that is their wish.

Oct 19


Established in 1981, the IACP identifies, develops and maintains professional standards of excellence in counselling and psychotherapy through education, training and accreditation. In promoting best practice and the professional development of its members, IACP holds at its core the protection of the public. Representing both the interests of clients and practitioners (over 3,500 nationwide), IACP provides a telephone referral helpline, an information service; and an online counsellor / psychotherapist / supervisor directory. IACP is a registered Charity (CHY 6615).